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Estonian Company Registration Portal Accepts Digital Signatures Given in Other Countries [2]
Maris Jrv, Ministry of Justice, Estonia
Ingmar Vali, Centre of Registers and Information Systems, Estonia
No. 01, 2009
The development of e-services in Estonia has been fast in recent years. Most management of business with the state can be executed either by e-mail or through different portals. Simpler proceedings can be performed by way of summary procedures, but more complex transactions requiring legal certainty must be confirmed either with personal or notarys digital signature. The development of e-services in Estonia has been facilitated by the wide spread of the Estonian ID card and broad availability of the Internet. The ID card allows us to securely communicate with the state. Can the same be said about communication with other EU member states? Estonia has set itself a target to accept digital signatures that have been issued with ID card certificates of other EU countries. Portugal has a similar aim and other countries are also moving in the same direction.
Using IT to Solve the Challenges of Customs Administration
Rait Raal, business development manager, Cybernetica AS, Estonia
No. 04, 2008
Because of increasing global trade and relevant security threats, customs administrators all over the world are facing new challenges how to facilitate trade while also implementing required security measures so as to maintain safety in customs proceedings. This article describes the latest changes in the role of customs facilities, also looking at how useful technology principles can be brought to bear so as to meet those challenges and to modernise customs business procedures.
Complexity is the Achilles Heel of eID
Fredrik Ljunggren, IT security advisor and co-founder of Kirei AB in Gothenburg, Sweden
No. 03, 2008
The Swedish eID system
Electronic Identity Cards and Citizens Portals
Udo Helmbrecht, the President of the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), Germany
No. 03, 2008
Contributions to a culture of cyber-security
A Survey of Government Institution Websites in Lithuania
Kristina Aidietien, specialist, Information and EU Issues Division, Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
No. 03, 2008
The Lithuanian governments resolution on general requirements for the Internet sites of government institutions was adopted five years ago. This year a qualitative and quantitative study was conducted to show that the condition of such sites and their compliance with the stated requirements have improved to a considerable degree.
The Development of Complex Electronic Services: Toward the One Stop Shop Principle
Algirdas Trakimaviius, Head of Interdepartmental Data Management Division, Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
Martynas Jokbauskas, Deputy head of Interdepartmental Data Management Division, Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
No. 03, 2008
In April 2006, the Lithuanian governments Information Society Development Committee began to implement a new project Creation of Interoperability Among Information Systems: The Capacity of Interaction Among Systems of Public Administration Institutions. The aim was to help public administration institutions and officials more effectively to co-operate in the development of the network of public electronic services which are provided to Lithuanians on the Internet.
Use of European Financing for Development of E-Services, Information Systems, School Informatisation to Begin in Latvia
No. 03, 2008
On September 23, the Cabinet of Ministers approved a list of high-priority projects that were prepared by the Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs of Latvia. These projects relate to the development of the Information Society and e-services in Latvias and were submitted by the ministries and the institutions subordinated to them.
The Geomatics Regional Information Society Initiative (GRISI) Project and its Results in Latvia
Ilze Barg, Technology Development Forum, Latvia
No. 03, 2008
The aim of the Geomatics Regional Information Society Initiative (GRISI) project is to develop new geomatics services in such areas as the E-economy, E-identity, E-government and interregional co-operation. There is also the need to create added geomatics value to existing initiatives and to demonstrate geomatic solutions as a tool for promoting economic development. The organisers of the GRISI project have established four spatial data infrastructures in four partner regions, and they have also completed five thematic sub-projects which supplemented the established infrastructure with specific thematic services.
ICT Policy Support Programme To Support Innovative Uptake of ICT Solutions
Siim Lnelaid, consultant, deputy NCP, Invent Baltics O, Estonia
No. 02, 2008
Ensuring the best uptake and use of information and communications technologies (ICT) by the citizens, businesses and governments of European Union member states that is one of the key objectives in the i2010 Strategic Framework [1]. The ICT Policy Support Programme (PSP) of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) is aimed at encouraging the more widespread adoption of innovative ICT solutions in Europe, particularly in such areas as ageing well, energy efficiency and consensus building. For this purpose EUR 39 million of Community support is being allocated for this purpose in 2008.
TID+: Building the Future of Citizen-Driven E-Participation
Steven Segaert, programme co-ordinator, E-Governance Academy, Estonia
No. 02, 2008
E-participation means the use of ICT to broaden and deepen political participation by enabling citizens to connect with one another and with their elected representatives. This is a concept which is much more difficult to implement than it is to understand. With the development of the TID+ project, citizens and officials are handed a tool which is based on seven years of practical experience.


Top news
Instantly online - 17 golden rules to combat online risks and for safer surfing mobile social networks [3]
Experts Warn of ICT Labour Shortage and Loss of Competitive Edge in Europe by 2015
Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call

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