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Spectrum Management at the Outer Borderline of European Union [1] Augutis sna, deputy director, Department of Radio Communication, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania No. 01, 2009
This paper focuses on spectrum management issues in the Member States located at the outer borders of European Union. Spectrum policies and related harmonization measures of European Union request the Member States for spectrum coordination with third countries. The problematic frequency bands for North-Eastern EU Member States are discussed in the paper and importance of negotiations with the neighbouring non-EU countries on bilateral or multilateral basis is shown as a key element in order to eliminate constrains for implementation of European Union harmonisation measures. |
Calculating the Price of Electronic Communications Services in Lithuania Loreta Kalvaitien, Chief Specialist, Strategic Planning Division, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania Julija Ivanova, Chief Specialist, Cost Accounting and Statistics Division, Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania No. 03, 2008
On 1 October 2007, electronic communications service price comparison website www.skaiciuok.lt intended for users was launched. The price calculator helps users to choose electronic communications service providers offer, which best satisfy their needs in terms of the most attractive prices of electronic communications services. |
Digital Stratification in Estonia: Users and Non-Users of the Internet Pille Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, research fellow, University of Tartu, Institute of Journalism and Communication, Estonia Tarmo Kalvet, director, Innovation Policy Programme, PRAXIS Centre for Policy Studies, Estonia No. 02, 2008
This paper offers an overview of a research project that was commissioned by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications which was aimed at ensuring a better understanding of the complexity of Internet usage practices in Estonia, particularly focusing on small-scale use and non-use. For the full report, see [1]. The issue was understanding the motivations which support or hinder Internet use. The project involved seven focus group interviews, as well as analysis of data from quantitative studies. |
Mobile ID Your New Key to Online Services [2] Urmo Keskel, Head of Service and Development Department, Certification Centre, Ltd., Estonia No. 01, 2008
As the use of the Internet increases, more secure means for personal identification become necessary. The Mobile ID service is one such method. In addition to ensuring secure personal identification, it also underpins the functionality of the digital signature. This article reviews Mobile ID from both sides the user and the service provider. |
Ensuring High Levels of Availability in Network Connections [1] Karel Kannel, management board member, Norby Telecom, Estonia No. 01, 2008
In a networked economy, a great deal of attention is devoted to the availability of server and application resources. There must be availability of servers, applications and network connections. The latter of these is often overlooked, and businesses can lose substantial revenue because of network outages. Here we take a look at different ways of ensuring mission-critical reliability without having to pay a fortune for it. |
Global Electronic Contact Book Starts in Lithuania Ana Selinskien, chief specialist, Strategic Planning Division, Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority, Lithuania No. 01, 2008
Lithuania has entered the first stage of implementing an electronic numeration system that is called ENUM. The system will allow its users to manage contact data more effectively and at a higher level of reliability. The ENUM system allows users to share their contact data and to receive the data of other users. The system ensures retained accessibility to an individual or an organisation. Various electronic services can be used to a far better degree. |
The Lithuanian National Grid Initiative: LitGrid No. 03, 2007
A computational grid is an infrastructure of both hardware and software. It provides dependable, consistent, pervasive and inexpensive access to high-end computational capabilities. The concept of the grid was coined in the mid-1990s to describe a distributed computing infrastructure for advanced science and engineering. |
VoIP is Killing Fixed Telephony No. 03, 2006
"Alittle less conversation, a little more action, please." That text comes from an Elvis Presley song from the 1970s. If his songs were focused not on love, but on business, Elvis could name his album "Conversation is Action" today. Four decades after his golden era, we are seeing developments in conversation and in action. We communicate more, we do more work, and we determine solutions more quickly. Business, however, has not changed in one critical respect we still want to sell more and spend less. Thanks to VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) technologies, we spend less money now for more conversation. The old PSTN (Public Switched Telephony Network) system is facing a slow and inevitable death. |
Creating Attractive WiFi Areas No. 01, 2006
Two years ago, this journal described the situation with WiFi services in Estonia, continuing the theme last year. In this article, the authors look at how to create attractive WiFi areas to increase the number of users and the accessibility of WiFi services. |
Managing Top Level Domain Names and Countries No. 01, 2006
Global use of the Internet is constantly increasing, because the Internet is one of the fundamental infrastructures of the world. Until the very end of the 1990s, however, most of the worldís governments more or less ignored the Internet, including the management of their countryís top level domain. |



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