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How to get 50,000 first time internet users online in one day
No. 02, 2010
Telecentre-Europe organized Get Online Day in 4 March 2010, a pan-European event that was part of the eSkills Week 2010, coordinated by Digital Europe and European SchoolNet, and funded by the European Commission's DG Enterprise and Industry. Get Online Day was supported by national partners, NGOs, telecentres, libraries, schools, information access points and aimed to bring people online, targeting mainly the offline Europeans, people that have never used the internet and were consequently not aware of its benefits.
Computer Protection 2009
Piret Aro, Look@World Foundation, Estonia
No. 01, 2009
Article shows experience and milestones of Look@World project with an objective to lead Estonians to the Internet and reviews planned activities of initiative Computer Protection 2009. The goal of the initiative is to make Estonia a country with the most secure information society in the world by 2009.
Lithuanian Project Wins EC e-Inclusion Awards 2008 [1]
No. 01, 2009
Last December Window to the Future (Langas I Ateiti) which is the information society development promoting association was recognized as an overall winner in the Digital Literacy category at European Commission e-Inclusion Awards 2008. Window to the Future was awarded for its six year activities and the recent project Computer Literacy Basics for a Lithuanian e-Citizen according to which computer literacy knowledge was delivered to more than 50 000 adult inhabitants of Lithuania. For more than two years Window to the Future has been implementing European Social Fund financed project which offered free of charge training on computers and Internet.
A Review of Processes in the Development of Lithuanias Knowledge-Based Society
Saul Jokbauskien, Head of Information and EU Issues Division, Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania
No. 04, 2008
Information and communications technologies (ICT) are a powerful factory in economic growth and job creation. One of the most important objectives in policies related to the Information and Knowledge-Based Society is to develop a knowledge-based economy throughout the world, and this is a factor which determines economic development in most of the worlds developed countries.
Changes in Ideas about Safety on the Internet
Gunta Kavia, Sakaru Pasaule, Latvia
No. 03, 2008
Two European Union projects, Net-Safe and Hotline Latvia, both of which were part of the Safer Internet Plus programme, were concluded at the end of August. This is an international programme which is aimed at focusing the attention of children, young people, teachers and parents on Internet safety, and it is being implemented with financing from the European Union in 25 other EU member states, too. Latvia is one of the most recent, but apparently also most active project participants.
E-Skills: Catalyst to Opportunity
Ekaterina Fedotova, IDEA Project Director, Project Harmony, Inc., Russia
No. 03, 2008
Within the last 20 years, the emergence of computer technology has transformed the working world and made e-skills a requirement for the majority of jobs that pay a good wage. Unfortunately, in many countries, the requirements for computer and technology skills in new jobs exceeds the training and experience that most workers have, creating a digital divide that has serious economic impact. As new business opportunities arise from information technology development, there is a corresponding increase in the isolation of those without technology skills, putting them at a considerable disadvantage in the job market.
The Social Role of Libraries in the Development of the Information Society and National Education Policy in Latvia
Andris Vilks, director, Latvian National Library
No. 02, 2008
Over the course of the last decade, Latvian libraries have received considerable investments for the development of their ICT infrastructure. All parish libraries in Latvia now have Internet connections (256 Kb/s on a separate workstation). They have sufficient numbers of computers for reader use, as well as computers for staff members. Training has been available for staff. These technological processes are now realised in an electronic environment. E-publications and E-services are more widely available. The time has come to put this environment to use in a purposeful and segmented way. This is based not only on the dynamic, so-called Web 2.0 philosophy, but also on the social and educational requirements which prevail. The functions and roles of libraries are changing. The development of so-called hybrid libraries is still not fully understood or implemented. This refers to the synergy of remote and physical services, making use of traditional library resources, but also those of digital libraries, as well as Web information. This eliminates strict definitions of public and research library clients. Content and knowledge management are the key issues now. Librarians must develop into knowledge librarians. Libraries must provide specific services for various target audiences elementary education, higher education, research and development, distance learning, lifelong education, socially vulnerable groups (the unemployed, street children, poor families, differently abled persons, pensioners), etc., and this must be done irrespective of the individuals place of residence and social role.
Legislation Concerning Personal Data Protection in Lithuania
Sergejs Trofimovs, Sorainen Vilnius office, Lithuania
No. 02, 2008
This article presents a review of laws, secondary legal acts, recent legislative developments and various aspects concerning the situation in Lithuania vis-à-vis personal data protection. The author reviews the application of the relevant laws, the transfer of data to third countries, obligations and exemptions concerning notification, as well as administrative liability issues.
Universities and Their Underused Potential for Lifelong Education and Training
Juris Borzovs, Darja mite, Guntis Arnicns, Dainis Dosbergs, Maksims Kravcevs, University of Latvia
Kris Rauhvargers, Valdis Prodnieks, Mris Vti, University of Latvia
No. 02, 2008
The IT industry has been declared to be a priority in Latvia. The industry has grown very rapidly to produce between 5 and 6% of Latvian GDP. At this time, there is a shortage of some 8,000 IT specialists. The importance of training new and highly professional specialists, as well as of supporting continuous professional growth and training for existing representatives of the industry this is an urgent need. In this paper, we describe efforts that have been made in upgrading and enriching the relevant study programmes and services at the University of Latvia so as to respond to the needs of the IT industry. We emphasise the fact that the university is not used sufficiently for lifelong education and training, our hope being that there will be stronger links between academia and industry.
Opportunities Of Integration Of Disabled Persons To Labour Market In Conditions Of Information Society
Egle Kazemikaitiene, Tatjana Bileviciene, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania
No. 02, 2008
The Lisbon Strategy stated a new strategic aim for the European Union to transform the European Union into the most dynamic economy in the world in a decade, asserting of increase and betterment of opportunities of employment and bigger social cohesion. Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy means concentration on two main tasks: encouragement of stronger permanent increase of economy and creation of more and better job places. Most serious attention should be paid to differences between the socially disadvantaged, and the disabled. It is important to fight discrimination, encourage opportunities of employment for the disabled. Lithuania successfully participates in implementation programmes of the Lisbon Strategy. The state undertook for every resident who can and would like to work to create opportunities to ensure proper level of living by his or her work, care of socially most vulnerable persons more and develop more flexible forms of work organisation. Development of an information society is one of the three main priorities of the Republic of Lithuania stated in Lithuanian long-term development strategy. It conforms with the goals of the European Union. Objectives of Lithuanian information society development are coordinated with attitudes and demands of the Lisbon Strategy and initiative eEurope information society for everyone. The disabled can integrate into labour market by taking part in telework and e-business. It is quite important that disabled persons could use IT opportunities. Authors consider the opportunity of disabled integration in labour market by implementing modern information technologies.


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