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Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call
No. 02, 2009
The 2nd of July was the deadline for the applications and proposals being provided for the 3rd call of the The ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP).
Lithuanian website for students of 5th-6th grades has won the nomination at World Summit Award
No. 02, 2009
Lithuanian website for students of 5th-6th grades Nature and Man: integrated course for students of 5th-6th grades has won the nomination at World Summit Award (WSA).
SigmaNet wins the tender for a Survey of CERT services in Europe
No. 01, 2009
As communication networks and information systems have become an essential factor in economic and social development, their security is an increasing concern to the society. This is a reason why in 2004 the European Union established a European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) for the benefit of all Member States.
Latvian Annual ICT Prize, Platinum Mouse 2008, Awarded
No. 04, 2008
The ICT award Platinum Mouse was established by the Latvia Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) in 2007. The aim of the prize is to enhance the sectors prestige, to promote positive publicity, to inform the public about opportunities related to ICT, and to honour those projects which offer benefits to broad ranges of society. Applications are evaluated by an independent and competent jury. The honorary chairwoman of the jury is Signe Blia, the Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs of Latvia. In 2008, LIKTA also joined with the Economics Ministry to organise a competition, Best E-Commerce Company 2008, the aim being to inform the public about the environment of E-commerce and its importance in entrepreneurship, to facilitate the development of E-commerce and use of the relevant services, to ascertain that E-commerce projects are in line with the legal requirements, and to honour best projects. The total number of applications this year was 23 seven in the E-Government and Services category, seven in the Projects Related to Education, Culture, Health Care and Sports category, and nine in the Best E-Commerce Company 2008 category.
The iPhone 3G Arrives in Baltic States
No. 04, 2008
Sale of the iPhone 3G telephone was launched in the Baltic States in the latter half of last year by Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) in Latvia, EMT in Estonia, and Omnitel in Lithuania, all of them partnering with TeliaSonera for this purpose.
EMT, Elion Launch Sale of New Netbooks
No. 04, 2008
ASUS Eee PC 901 GO netbook computers are now available from EMT and Elion in Estonia.
New Type of EMT Dealership Opened in Tallinn
No. 04, 2008
Estonian Mobile Telephone has opened a new dealership in Tallinn, one that is based on an updated retailing concept.
Broadband: Gap between best and worst performing countries in Europe narrowing
No. 04, 2008
Broadband penetration in Europe continues to grow, from 18.2% in July 2007 to up to 21.7% in July 2008, according to a report published today by the European Commission. The report also shows the gap between EU countries narrowing, from 28.4 percentage points in July 2007 to 27.7 this July.
Nearly 30% of individuals use internet banking
No. 04, 2008
60% of households have internet access
Intelligent Transport Systems and Services: initiative for accelerated deployment across Europe
No. 04, 2008
The European Commission today took a major step towards the deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in road transport.
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Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call

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