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Intelligent Transport Systems and Services: initiative for accelerated deployment across Europe
No. 04, 2008
The European Commission today took a major step towards the deployment and use of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in road transport.
European emergency number 112 now works in all EU Member States
No. 04, 2008
People can now reach emergency services from anywhere in the EU, simply by dialling 112, the single European emergency number.
ICT research and telecoms: Europe's opportunity to lead global competition
Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media
No. 03, 2008
ICT is changing the nature of economic activity and social interaction. It is entwined in our economic and social fabric in areas as diverse as telecommunications, government services, car electronics, or entertainment. This development is fuelled by the increasing pervasiveness and power of the Internet.
ENISAs Activities on Electronic Identity (eID) an Update
Ingo Naumann, Seconded National Expert at ENISA
No. 03, 2008
Interoperability even the word is difficult to pronounce seems to be a ubiquitous problem in all areas of technology. This seems to be particularly true when it comes to applications and services relating to electronic identity.
World Summit Award and Modern Bookmen Contests Help to Create Inclusive Information Society
No. 03, 2008
Information and communications technologies are such a powerful element of growth and employment that it is very important to encourage related activities in the worlds various countries. ICTs are becoming more widely used, and they are benefitting increasing numbers of people. The European Commissions i2010 A European Information Society for Growth and Employment initiative seeks to reinforce social, economic and territorial cohesion by making ICT products and services more accessible, including in those regions which are currently lagging behind others(COM(2005)229). This is an economic, social, ethical and political imperative. The i2010 initiative places a great deal of emphasis on participation and on the ability of people to attain basic digital competence. Inclusion is one of three major pillars for political action producing an inclusive European Information Society, one which promotes growth and jobs in a manner that is consistent with sustainable development and considers better public services and quality of life to be priorities.
Families in Latvia to Undergo Digital Skills Training
No. 03, 2008
A new project called the Virtual Guidebook for Families is offering family members from various generations in 12 of Latvias administrative districts to undergo special training in relation to digital skills.
Epson Opens Baltic Office in Latvia
No. 03, 2008
Epson, a manufacturer of printing and digital image processing equipment, has opened a branch office in Rga through which it will be represented in all three Baltic States.
Computers at E-Access Centre Adapted to Special Needs of Individuals
No. 03, 2008
People with special needs will henceforth be able to visit the E-Access Centre that has been established in Rga by Apeirons, an organisation for differently abled people and their friends, in partnership with Microsoft Latvia. There they will find computers that have been adapted to their special needs. There are lots of people in Latvia with functional problems, as well as elderly people and others who have difficulties in using a computer for one reason or another. Even if someone has a paralysed arm, a lack of movement abilities or co-ordination, or other health problems, modern information technologies can offer solutions related to special software, as well as supportive technologies.
Commission approves new programme to break down e-barriers
No. 03, 2008
The Commission has approved a proposal for a decision of the European Parliament and the Council of Ministers on a new programme for the period 201015: Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA).
Broadband Internet for all Europeans: Commission launches debate on future of universal service
No. 03, 2008
How can the EU achieve that all Europeans from the North of Finland to the South of Italy, from the Western Ireland to Eastern Romania have access to broadband Internet? This is the main question raised in a Commission report today.
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