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European network AgeingWell to improve the quality of life of older persons by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing well
No. 04, 2013
Europeans are living longer than ever thanks to economic growth and advances in health care, and ICT & Ageing well solutions have proved to be essential tools for improving quality of life of the ageing population. Relevant initiatives are being developed at European, National and Regional, but they are still largely working in isolation. The aim of the AgeingWell network is therefore to create a community whose objective is to bring together key national and regional initiatives in the field of ICT for Ageing well, and improve the communication and cooperation between them with a view to develop guidelines for deployment of such ICT & Ageing solutions, share good practices, and disseminate information to all the stakeholders across Europe, but also strengthen the dialogue with the Investment Community. The aim of the AgeingWell Network is to build and animate a European network focused on improving the quality of life of older persons by promoting the market uptake of ICT solutions for Ageing well.
The Latvian ICT Award Platinum Mouse 2010
No. 04, 2010
The ICT award Platinum Mouse was established by the Latvia Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) in 2007. Platinum Mouse 2010 was organized in cooperation with Latvia State Radio and Television Centre (LVRTC). Thanks to this cooperation for the first time Platinum Mouse was given in the category The Most Innovative e-signature Application to foster use of e-signature in various e-services.
BONITA partners present technology transfer models at Baltic IT&T 2010
No. 03, 2010
In the framework of the International Forum Baltic IT&T 2010: eBaltics on April 22 a seminar Research, Development and Innovations − To Facilitate ICT Export Growth of Latvia has been organised by Latvian Information and Communications Technology Association (LIKTA) in cooperation with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) and supported by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
Training & coaching programmes will be developed within BONITA project
No. 02, 2010
During the meeting in Poznan, Poland in January, 2010 the BONITA (Baltic Organisation and Network of Innovation Transfer and Associations) project partners have discussed the training & coaching programmes to be developed within the project.
Instantly online - 17 golden rules to combat online risks and for safer surfing mobile social networks [3]
No. 02, 2010
The EU cyber security Agency - ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency) today presents a new report on accessing social networks over mobile phones, Online as soon as it happens. The report points out the risks and threats of mobile social networking services, e.g. identity theft, corporate data leakage and reputation risks of mobile social networks. The report also gives 17 golden rules on how to combat these threats.
Experts Warn of ICT Labour Shortage and Loss of Competitive Edge in Europe by 2015
No. 02, 2010
Europe suffers from a chronic shortage of digital skills across all sectors. A study released by empirica and IDC EMEA Government Insights revealed that EU labour market may face an excess demand of 384,000 ICT practitioners by 2015.
More than 20 000 people involved in e-skills activities in Latvia
Mara Jakobsone, Vicepresident, LIKTA, Latvia
No. 02, 2010
From 2-5 of March, 2010 a Pan-European initiative e-skills week was organized in all EU countries. Latvia was one of active participants, organizing e-skills and ICT training related activities for different target groups - students and teachers, ICT professionals, SMes and citizens.
BONITA project sets ambitious goals for technology transfer in the Baltic Sea Region
No. 04, 2009
During the meeting in Lulea, Sweden on November 24-26, 2009 the BONITA (Baltic Organisation and Network of Innovation Transfer and Associations) project partners have discussed the evaluation, adaptation and implementation of the Transfer Model being developed during the project. Project partners discussed also showrooms, training & coaching programmes to be developed within the project, as well as the establishment of a transnational network.
Telecentre-Europe Summit 2009
No. 03, 2009
European telecentre leaders meet in Istanbul to celebrate successes and renew committment to support digital inclusion across Europe. The information society is essential for education, work, social participation, gender equality, independent living in old age, leisure and creativity. Yet some 30-40 per cent of Europeans remain at risk of being excluded from the information society, mostly because of socio-economic exclusion factors such as low income, low levels of education, disability, cultural or geographic isolation or old age. E-Inclusion, or digital inclusion, has the ability to mobilise information and communication technologies (ICT) to combat such social or economic exclusion.
Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call
No. 02, 2009
The 2nd of July was the deadline for the applications and proposals being provided for the 3rd call of the The ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP).


Top news
Instantly online - 17 golden rules to combat online risks and for safer surfing mobile social networks [3]
Experts Warn of ICT Labour Shortage and Loss of Competitive Edge in Europe by 2015
Lithuanian organisations has been active to participate in CIP ICT PSP third call

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