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Lithuanian website for students of 5th-6th grades has won the nomination at World Summit Award
Lithuanian website for students of 5th-6th grades Nature and Man: integrated course for students of 5th-6th grades has won the nomination at World Summit Award (WSA).
Lithuanian website for students of 5th-6th grades Nature and Man: integrated course for students of 5th-6th grades has won the nomination at World Summit Award (WSA). WSA is the global initiative to select and promote the world's best e-Content and innovative ICT applications, which started in 2003 in the framework of the United Nations' World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) as a contribution of the Austrian Government to the global effort to bridge the digital divide and close the content gap. Lithuanian electronic project has been selected among 500 projects from 150 countries and is accessible from the beginning of the school year. It is not only that the website is accessible on the Internet and ensures the opportunity of learning independently, but also it is provided with demonstrations, dictionary and encyclopedia. Moreover it gives the opportunity to check the knowledge by tests and perform virtual laboratory tasks. Teachers may find the material, which is helpful to prepare for the modern lesson. The website may be found here (http://mkp.emokykla.lt/gamta5-6/new/lt/). The winners of each nomination will be known at the WSA Gala event on September 2-9, 2009. More information may be found at http://www.wsis-award.org/index.wbp. |
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