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The iPhone 3G Arrives in Baltic States

Sale of the iPhone 3G telephone was launched in the Baltic States in the latter half of last year by Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) in Latvia, EMT in Estonia, and Omnitel in Lithuania, all of them partnering with TeliaSonera for this purpose.

Sale of the iPhone 3G telephone was launched in the Baltic States in the latter half of last year by Latvijas Mobilais Telefons (LMT) in Latvia, EMT in Estonia, and Omnitel in Lithuania, all of them partnering with TeliaSonera for this purpose.
The iPhone 3G combines the revolutionary features of the original iPhone with 3G networking which is twice as fast and expands the range for location-based mobile services.  The new phone also features iPhone 2.0 software, with support for Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync and hundreds of third-party applications which are available via the new App Store.
This represents another strategic step for us in the development of the mobile broadband market, and it further strengthens our position in the Nordic and Baltic region, Says Kenneth Karlberg, TeliaSoneras president for business area mobility services.  In the wake of the successful launch of the iPhone 3G in the Nrodic countries and Estonia, we are delighted to offer it to our customers in Latvia and Lithuania, too.
LMT is proud to be the first official distributor of the iPhone 3G in Latvia, because this allows us to offer the latest mobile services to our clients, says LMT president Juris Binde.  More than 5,000 people registered on the LMT homepage to receive information about this new phone, thus signalling their interest in advance.
I am glad that by offering the iPhone, EMT has once again proven to be the leader in the Estonian mobile market, adds Valdo Kalm, the CEO of EMT.

Source: Mobile operators

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